Monday, April 25, 2011

Published Books!

Last week, the students received their books in the mail! This year, they wrote stories based on the hit series If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff. Each student had a chance to read their story to the class.

If You Give a Zebra a Xylophone 
By John O.

If You Give a Cow a Cupcake 
By Stephanie P.

If You Give a Chicken Some Chili  
By Justin P.

If You Give a Bird a Bat
By Anna H.

If You Give a Dog a Dress
By Kelly R.

If You Give a Horse a Hammer
By Jessica P.

If You Give a Pig Some Popcorn
By Janae G.

If You Give a Hippo a Hamburger
By Zac R.

If You Give a Cat a Camera
By Gabriel M.

Hope you all enjoyed reading their stories.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter ParTAY!

At our Easter party today, we had a PANCAKE MAKING PARADISE!

Thanks to all of the parents who supplied us with a WHOLE LOT OF TOPPINGS for our pancakes!

Some of us went a little overboard...

Chocolate chips, M&Ms, and sprinkles.....

Kelly looks PRETTY EXCITED to eat her pancakes!

And Gabriel is all ready to DIG IN!

The students even got to flip their own cakes!

We also made BIG crosses out of all different colors of paper.

Janae putting on the FINISHING TOUCHES!


Mrs. Heck brought in a CROSS cookie cutter to use on our pancakes!


Wonderful Mrs. Heck! She helped coordinate SO many details for today and made it so special for all of us! A BIG THANK YOU to her for all of her HARD WORK!!

We ALL really enjoyed our pancake breakfast.

Next, we played a game called "Run to the Cross". The students had the different colored crosses scattered around the room and they had to choose one to stand on. If that color was called, they were out!

Here are the boys all crowded on ONE.

Mrs. Gaddy pulling out the colors for the game!

Thanks Mrs. Gaddy and Mrs. Peifer for coming in to help us today! We are so thankful for fabulous parents!

Next, the students had to put the colored crosses in an order that Mrs. Heck had chosen previously.

Mrs. Heck closed out the game with a few words on THE CROSS! She shared a powerful lesson on the symbolism of the cross and God's LOVE for us! What an AMAZING GOD to send his ONLY SON to die for US!  And then of course He did not stay dead, but He ROSE FROM THE GRAVE and conquered death!
Praise the Lord!!

Have a wonderful Easter break!
See you on Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Stephanie!

Today we celebrated Stephanie's birthday. The actual day is April 24th (Easter Sunday), so we had a party TODAY since we will not be in school then!!
Her mom brought in a yummy chocolate chip cake.

The beautiful Pini women, Stephanie and her mom.

The BIRTHDAY girl!

Stephanie handed out some COOL beads to all of the students. Here are the boys showing them off!

And the girls with their beads and flower rings!

Happy birthday Stephanie! I am so thankful you are in our class! You have a lot of spunk, energy and character. You also have a really sensitive heart and are very thoughtful. Use those gifts the Lord has given you to make an impact for Him!!

Have fun with a LONG weekend to celebrate!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jessica's Post

        On Tuesday Kelly and Zac's Dad came in and brought chocolate and original glazed mini donuts from Dunkin Donuts for their birthday. On Wednsday we made chocolate pudding. On Thursday we had Race for Education and at the end we had chocolate and vanilla ice cream. We also ate the goldfish (that I brought in), fruit punch, and Twizzlers with the second graders. On Friday we had fruit kabobs.


Race for Education!~

Yesterday, we had our Race for Education. It was a chilly day, but the sun came out just in time for us to run!
Here are the third graders with their water bottles, itching to get out on the field.

And a picture outside with our matching shirts.

Mrs. Dissmore giving instructions before the race started.

Ready, Set......


Stephanie and Jessica stopping for a picture with Justin (Janae's little brother!)

John getting his card stamped! It felt so good at the end of each lap to get a stamp!

Jessica and Kelly

John and Janae running hard!

Justin, Gabriel and Zac running together!
Look at them go.

We love stamps!

Gabriel working so hard that he was "soaked". Hmm, I wonder how that happened!

Justin and Zac were beat at the end of the race.

Enjoying a much deserved ice cream snack after running!

Cool dudes.

Since it was just about the end of the day and we were all pretty beat, we invited the second graders to our room for some goldfish (thanks Phlong family) and fruit punch (thanks Mellette family).

Praise the Lord for a beautiful afternoon and no injuries! Thank you to all who supported us! We had a blast and hopefully raised some funds to grow LCCS and "Kingdom Education". To God be the Glory!

Rest up those weary bones this weekend!
