Monday, December 6, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

We have a lot of things happening in the classroom during this time of year. We are very excited for Christmas to come. There are three special things we are during in preparation.

1. We have a CANDY COUNTDOWN until Christmas. We started out with 25 pieces of candy. Each morning, I pick a students' name and they cut off a piece. It is fun to see the string of candy get shorter, as that means Christmas is getting closer! It's also a fun SWEET TREAT. :-)

2. Jotham's Journey.
 Each morning, we read a section out of the book called Jotham's Journey. It helps us understand the idea of advent and preparing our hearts for this time of year.

Advent: “Originally started with people going hungry to purify and prepare themselves for holy living….through fasting and prayer. Fasting is no longer a part of Advent in most homes and churches today. For us it means taking a few minutes each day, for three or four weeks before Christmas, to center our thoughts on Truth Incarnate lying in a feeding trough in Bethlehem. In the midst of December’s commotion and stress, Advent is a few moments to stop, catch your breath and renew your strength from the only ONE who can provide true strength” (p. 7,8)

 It is a storybook of Advent, which includes a story about a boy named Jotham who gets separated from his family and is on the search to find them. Along the way, he meets people and comes into the paths of situations which align with scripture and the story of Christ’s return. We have been lighting a candle (we do not have an actual advent wreath, but a single  candle) and spending a few minutes each morning reading the story. My prayer is that the students will understand the BIG picture of Christmas and the excitement and history of Christ’s birth and his second coming! “Simple, short, spiritual. A wonderful way to keep the shopping, traffic, rehearsals, concerts, parties, and all other preparations of December in balance with the reality of God in our lives– past, present and future” (p. 8).  Jotham’s Journey. By: Arnold Ytreeide

3. Christmas Compassion from LCCS
During December, we will be collecting non-perishable food items for distribution to local food banks throughout the county. Your donations of:

Canned food-

Boxed food-

and bagged food-

are much appreciated!! When you bring them in, they can be brought into our classroom or to the main office. This FOOD DRIVE will go until DECEMBER 20th! Make it a family event to collect items and bring them in together. "Let's reach out to our communities with the love of Jesus this Christmas, by helping to feed the hungry!"

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