Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tabernacle Test Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our test on the TABERNACLE! The students have acquired a few worksheets with each new item we have learned about in the Tabernacle. I will have them HIGHLIGHT the main points I would like them to remember for the test! Please be sure to review this material with them this evening! It will NOT be a LONG test! :-)

Since we are finishing up our study on the Tabernacle, I have taken pictures of our finished product in the classroom! Take a look.....

This is an overall view of the Tabernacle.

We have the two different levels around it-
1. The inner cirlce- The Levites and Priests (including Aaron and Sons)
2. The outer circle- Fighting men, 20 years and older (placed for protection)

This is a birds' eye view of the Tabernacle.
Starting from the right:
1. The WHITE LINEN curtain hung at the entrance from four gold posts

2.The Golden Lampstand- used to light with 6 arms and one in the center making it 7- THE PERFECT NUMBER and CHRIST AT THE CENTER.

3. The Table of Shewbread- 12 loaves/pieces representing the 12 tribes of Israel

4. Golden Altar of Incense- Burnt every morning and evening as a prayer to God. We are to be a FRAGRANT AROMA of CHRIST!

5. The Veil- Representing a SEPARATION from GOD and MAN. When Christ died on the cross, the veil was torn in two from top to bottom representing the power of Christ can now live IN US!!!

6. The Most Holy Place-"God's dwelling place". In the Ark of the Covenant was- The 10 Commandments, Aaron's Staff and a golden vase of manna.

The Brazen Altar- where people came to offer burnt sacrifices and the
The Brazen Laver- where the priests had to wash before entering into the Tabernacle.

The four different layers serving as the roof. Each with a significant meaning. Ask your students to tell you! :-)

The students did a GREAT JOB constructing this! It helped us all so much to have a visual. We spent a LOT of time on each of them items, so have your student tell you a little more about the significance of each one! Also, thank you to my dear friend BONNIE MARTIN for all of her research and hard work into learning about the Tabernacle. I used a lot of her insight and notes to help my students learn better!

The BIG THING we talked about throughout our study, was how each of the items in the Tabernacle were made/built in a SPECIFIC WAY for a SPECIFIC USE. I encouraged my students to remember that God created each of them in a SPECIFIC WAY and for a SPECIFIC USE.

Remember- "If woke up this morning and you are ALIVE and STILL BREATHING, God still needs to USE YOU!"

Don't forget it!!

1 comment:

Chris Doughty said...

This is an awesome project to "see." thanks for sharing it. What knowledge the kids have learned from this project.
